Lian Canty

Lian Canty
About Me
Hello and Welcome!
Thank you for visiting my website!
I don't often write about myself, but if you have gotten to this page on my website then you must be a little curious about me.
I was born and raised in the mountains of Colorado at 10.000 feet above sea level. I spent my summers outdoors hiking and soaking in the mountains. At a young age I took to painting and drawing. After high school I focused my artistic skills by attending Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Denver Colorado where I earned a degree in Illustration and Design. I made my way to Crested Butte, Colorado opening Rendezvous Gallery which occupied me until 2019 when I struck out on a new adventure to further my interests. Now I am living and creating artwork in the Pacific Northwest.
As you may notice I tend to create collections of artwork which are each have a distinctive style and theme.
Please enjoy!